I took Joe Walsh for a ride

It was likely 1971 because I'd already returned to school after the shooting and left the house where my 3 housemates made my life miserable. I was now living in Rhodes Road apartments and Joe was visiting Craig Morgan who was the Student President at that time. Craig lived across the hall from me.

I don't remember if Joe and I encountered each other in the hallway or if he knocked on my door. I had a car, a Chrysler Belvedere, and he needed a ride to his gig that night. So we walked to my car in the parking lot, got in, and I drove him to one of the local bars where he was going to play.

I doubt if we spoke much during that ride. He has a rather intimidating look about him. He wasn't well known at that time, although he had been a member of a local Kent Ohio group called the James Gang (Funk #49, Walk Away). He split from the James Gang in 1971, so this may have been the start of his solo career.

Jim (James) Fox started the group in 1966, and Jim dated one of my dorm mates, Bonnie Greenbaum. I did some alterations for her. She was in a band as well, and I believe her cousin was Norman Greenbaum (Spirit in the Sky).

I never heard from Joe again.


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