
Here's the story of my parents' wedding gift. It was a set: a wine bottle holder and 4 wine glass coasters.

Silver :crystal wine holder and coaster

These two are what remain. They are crystal and Sterling Silver, at least 75 years old. The other three wine glass coasters are gone... they got "damaged" in one of my parents' heated arguments when I was about 3 year old toddler. Yes, I remember.

Both of my parents passed away in 2011, and I inherited some of their things. One of these (pictured above) came from my father in Pennsylvania, the other from my mother in Texas. They were divorced in 1953. In the divorce they split everything down the middle. If there were two matching dressers, they each took one. They split these two Sterling and crystal pieces which came back together 65 years after being separated. I saw that as a fitting denouement.

The almost-invisible text on the larger piece says: "Frank M Whiting and Co. Sterling 06 Pat Pending."

It's time for me to let them go to someone who will enjoy them. To purchase them, the 7" wine bottle holder is $50, and the 3" wine glass coaster is $20, or $65 for both. They are quite hefty, but I can ship them. You pay the cost of mailing by USPS. Use my contact form to claim them.

They are rare to find, but hopefully not because so many others were flung at a person and hit a wall!


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