Phil Collins Peed in My Toilet

(There's more to this story which will appear in the book.)

When I was 40 I lived in a house in the Cabbagetown area of Toronto with the strange address of 11 1/2 Rose Avenue. There was an 11 Rose Avenue, and a 12 Rose Avenue. So somebody in City Hall's street department must have decided to give this house a half-number in the middle. Looking back, I think the house should be renumbered as 11.5.

After I moved in, I found, among things left in the house, evidence that Phil Collins had likely stayed there. One was the check (below) he endorsed. Then I started receiving his mail. (See post card below.)

Phil Collins

When I had a chance to talk to the previous owner of the house, Tony Mendez, I asked him about Phil. As there was a recording studio in the lower level under my Apartment #1, it made sense that Phil may have been there to record something. Tony entertained people at this house so I asked the dumb question, "Did Phil ever pee in my toilet?" His answer was yes.

Phil never came to pick up his mail.


This snippet is brought to you by: My mother's unpublished novel, being distributed in chapter installments as I copy edit them (32 chapters for $6.00):
The Inheritance
