#1 I QUIT.

© Copyright Andrea Reynolds 2023

The phone number on the business cards below has been changed to 656-227-1130

I've been struggling to find work that will pay me enough to pay my basic bills and nothing has been working. So I quit.

1. I quit doing
alterations for local people because it pays me only about $6 an hour for several hours of work that makes my eyes blurry.

2. I quit offering to
edit books because when I agree to take the assignment, the assignment doesn't show up.


3. I quit offering to write demand letters on behalf of seniors who have lost thousands of dollars to unscrupulous contractors because they don't trust me enough to allow me to see the documents which provide the evidence I need to act on their behalf.


4. I quit offering handy woman services to paint rooms, assemble furniture, install new door locks, because they would rather hire a man to do the work at more money.


5. I quit offering public relations and publicity advice to authors and experts because they would rather hire someone with a few years' experience than this woman with forty-plus years experience.


6. I quit hoping a man will offer to marry me so I'll one day have Social Security spousal benefits.

Today I received a statement from the Social Security Administration saying that I still have only
30 work credits of the 40 needed to be eligible for benefits. My income is so low that I qualify for only one credit a year. At this rate, when I'm 83-84 years old, I may have 40 credits but will still receive only about $185 a month. On top of my $400 a month pension from Canada, that gives me only $585 a month to live on. I can't survive on that and still stay in my 800-square-foot condo.

So I will pivot.

1. I'll sell as much of my
household belongings (clothes, books, jewelry, art, music, family heirlooms) as I can for as much cash as I can. www.AndreasEstate.com

2. I will throw out/shred all paper not needed for taxes and future books.

3. I will get my
condo ready for sale to a new owner by fall when Northerners will be ready to move to Florida. It needs painting, staging, and small repairs.

4. I will demo the inside of
my van to make it livable, and get new batteries, new tires, and fix what doesn't work.

5. I will put my affairs in order:
will, trusts, etc.

I'll write more, as things progress.

Feel free to connect with me through social media: 



Andrea's Estate 

Andrea's website


Your financial investment helps me acquire credits toward Social Security benefits. With your help I may be eligible by age 80.

If you have an interest in following how I am accomplishing this enormous house-emptying task, I invite you to support this project with a monthly contribution of $5 or whatever amount you're comfortable with. I hope to write two blog posts weekly, more or less.

The benefit to my patrons is
you get to ask me questions about my project, and your projects, too, which I may answer in this blog: crisiswriter@gmail.com

PayPal:  www.PayPal.me/AndreaReynoldsIntl

Venmo: www.Venmo.com/Andrea-Reynolds-79

FacebookPay: https://www.Facebook.com/andrea.reynolds.90
It's possible Facebook may only allow you to send money by an app on your phone, not Facebook Messenger.

Zelle: Use my email: crisiswriter@gmail.com or text: 656-227-1130

Cash App: Use: $AndeBitanga

Cash: Best delivered in person to be safe.

Shipping is extra: Priority Mail… or for books, I ship by less expensive Media Mail.

I'm happy to receive checks in my mailbox to cover whatever time period makes sense to you. My mailing address: Andrea Reynolds, 1902 Andover Street, APT 194, Sun City Center, Florida 33573-5942