40 Things to Know about My Work Ethic 

This page is copyright protected by Andrea Reynolds. To use the content on this page to promote your own business you'll need a license from Andrea.

In the past you may have had workers not show up or show up late, goof off on the job, overcharge you, treat you with disrespect, abuse your belongings, make big mistakes then charge more to correct them, and even steal from you. I certainly have hired people like that, and it bothered me so much that I decided there was a need for not only good quality work, but also for personnel with a good work ethic... and I decided I could and would do better.

You should know…

1. I am happy to have you as my client; I hope my smile and demeanor show it.

2. I work alone. You hired me, not a substitute or apprentice. I don’t bring in other people to work with me or in my place unless you first approve it and can afford it.

3. I put the details of our agreement on the project in writing so there is no misunderstanding. If you decide to change the agreement, we will put that in writing, too.

4. When I give you an estimate – before finding any “surprises” – I will provide a range of prices: the lowest, as well as a not-to-exceed figure.

5. I arrive and start work at the promised time. 

6. I think ahead through a task to be able do it wisely and in the proper sequence. 

7. I keep the mess I make to a minimum. 

8. I clean up before I leave even if I'm returning the next day. 

9. I don’t leave a job unfinished. 

10. I don’t bump you for another client without your consent. 

11. If the repair isn’t right I’ll come back to fix it at no additional charge. 

12. Quality matters to me: I don’t cut corners. 

13. Out of respect for client allergies I don’t smoke or wear strong perfume. 

14. To avoid spreading germs to you or your family I don’t show up sick. 

15. I'm quiet. I don’t talk loudly, play loud music, or disrupt your home life more than necessary. If I listen to the radio, I'll use earbuds.

16. I focus on the task at hand with full awareness, alertness, and consciousness. 

17. I love animals and try to not stress your pets as I work. 

18. I declare all my income. I don’t cheat the government, my clients, or myself. Whatever you pay me in cash gets reported to the government. (I need to declare all income, so I can earn 10 more quarters so I can one day become eligible for Social Security benefits.)

19. So I can keep a clear head at all times I don’t take recreational drugs or drink alcohol. 

20. I decline work I don’t do well and sub-contract those tasks to those people more qualified than I … with your permission. 

21. I learn how to do a new task on my own time and at my expense, not yours. 

22. I charge fair rates based on estimates provided and on my training, experience and acquired wisdom. 

23. I don’t mark up supplies purchased on your behalf beyond what the store would charge you. 

24. I operate by the Golden Rule: I treat others the way I hope I will be treated, with respect, consideration, and concern. 

25. I’m a conservationist and have a philosophy of reusing, recycling, repurposing. I like to use what’s already on hand, if possible, and make use of what is removed (wood, windows, etc.).

26. I don't gossip about clients and don't disparage my competition. (After all, some of them may come to work for me one day!)

27. If you’ve paid for it, you get to keep it (surplus materials). I don’t throw it away or take it with me unless you approve.

28. I dispose of “hazardous” waste (paint, etc.) in the proper manner.

29. I protect your furnishings and possessions from damage, dirt and paint.

30. I take nothing I find in your house that rightfully belongs to you unless invited to do so. Sometimes I come across hidden money or interesting items behind appliances, under carpet, in heat ducts and I will bring them to your attention right away.

31. I act in your best interests. Your priorities and goals become my priorities and goals.

32. I love to teach. If you want to learn, I'll teach you as I work.

33. I
can do it your way, but if I know a better way that looks better and lasts longer that doesn't cost you any more money, I will explain why I want to do it differently.

34. I provide detailed estimates itemizing what services and materials I will supply, as well as a detailed statement or invoice at the end of the project.

35. I think ahead, logically, in the correct sequence, which means I rarely have to undo things and do them over.

36. If I make a mistake and have to do it over I don't charge you for the time it takes to do it right.

37. I will check with you before buying something to be sure it's what you want, not just what I want.

38. If you tell me your budget I will do my best to stick to it, within reason.

39. I'm safety-conscious. I keep your safety in mind as well as mine.

40. Wherever possible I provide reports on how the work went.

And I don't mind if you have hidden security cameras in your house. They won't catch me doing anything I shouldn't be doing.

© Copyright Andrea Reynolds.

To check my availability for your project, contact me by email: HandyAnde1@gmail.com